16 days after embryo transfer is a significant milestone. During this time, you may be eagerly anticipating signs that indicate the transfer was successful and that you might be pregnant.

At Saraogi Hospital, an IVF centre in Mumbai, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality care for pregnancy and women’s health. Our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way on your journey to motherhood.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns about the 16 days post-embryo transfer.

Wondering about life after embryo transfer? Let’s discuss.

Understanding the 16 days after embryo transfer

Abdominal Pain

At the 16-day mark following an embryo transfer, it marks a significant milestone. Many individuals eagerly anticipate this moment to determine if the transfer has resulted in pregnancy.

Curious about the results of a pregnancy test 16 days after embryo transfer?

Curious about the results of a pregnancy test 16 days after embryo transfer?

Taking a pregnancy test 16 days after an embryo transfer:

  • Best Time: The appropriate time to get a test done is 16 days after the transfer, to see if you’re pregnant.
  • What It Checks: The test has a sign that is only going to be in your pee after a baby’s growth has already started.
  • Seeing the Doctor: If the test indicates a pregnancy, then it is advisable to consult your doctor to accurately determine it.
  • Feeling Many Things: It is usually filled with excitement, nervousness, and or both at the same time. It is rather difficult to wait until the results are released.
  • Reliable Test: The home-based test will tell you that you are pregnant, but the home-based test’s results should be confirmed by a doctor for accuracy and to begin prenatal care.

Still wondering about the results? Contact to discuss your pregnancy test 16 days after embryo transfer.

Experiencing symptoms 16 days after embryo transfer? Let’s explore.

16 days after embryo transfer symptoms

16 days after an embryo transfer, if you’re pregnant, you might notice some specific symptoms. However, remember that not everyone experiences the same symptoms and some might not notice any at all. Here are some symptoms you could experience around 16 days after the transfer:

  • Positive Pregnancy Test: A dependable indicator of pregnancy is a pregnancy test, which measures the levels of hCG hormone detectable at this time.
  • Missed Period: On the other hand, for an irregular menstrual cycle, missing a period might also be the strongest sign of pregnancy.
  • Fatigue: Fatigue is common in early pregnancy due to hormonal changes, leading to increased excitement.
  • Breast Tenderness: You have to realise that your breasts can have some discomfort including tenderness, sensitivity or even heaviness.
  • Nausea or Morning Sickness: You might suddenly develop a queasy feeling or even vomit, which won’t just be a morning sickness, but can happen any time of the day.
  • Increased Urination: Chances are you will have to visit the bathroom far more frequently.
  • Cramping: Many young girls experience pain similar to menstrual cramps but with no period.
  • Difference in taste buds: Some of the foods you liked before may not be to your liking now, or perhaps you now strongly crave foods that you would never think of before. The smells also appear either stronger or different.

It’s essential to know that these symptoms can also be caused by other factors and not necessarily mean pregnancy. The best way to confirm pregnancy is through a blood test at your doctor’s office, as it’s more accurate than home pregnancy tests.

Experiencing symptoms 16 days after embryo transfer? Connect for guidance.

Curious about physical and emotional changes post-embryo transfer? Let’s discuss.

Physical and emotional changes

Physical and emotional changes during early pregnancy can vary widely among individuals, but there are some common experiences.

Physical Changes

  • Feeling Really Tired: Increased fatigue is common in early pregnancy as the body expends more energy.
  • Sore Breasts: Your breasts may feel sore and appear more stretched than usual.
  • Morning Sickness: Nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning, are common symptoms.
  • Needing the Bathroom a Lot:You may experience frequent urination.
  • Craving Weird Foods: Changes in appetite may lead to cravings for specific foods or aversion to others.
  • Growing Belly:Over time, your belly will gradually expand as the baby continues to develop.

Emotional Changes

  • Emotional ChangesMood Changes: Mood swings are common due to hormonal changes, causing sudden shifts from happiness to sadness.
  • Worrying More:It’s very easy to get yourself worried and frightened about your baby and becoming a mom.
  • Getting Upset Easily: You may also have less control over your emotions in that way that you tend to get more emotional and cry easily.
  • Changes in Wanting to Be Close:Often, you may experience the rise and fall of your feelings towards reaching out to your partner.

Curious about physical and emotional changes post-embryo transfer? Reach out to discuss.

HCG levels 16 days after embryo transfer

16 days after your embryo transfer, doctors can check a special hormone in your blood called hCG to see if you’re pregnant. Here’s what you need to know: 

  • hCG Hormone: This is why pregnancy tests work the way that they do. If it is there this means the embryo has implanted inside your womb and started to grow.
  • Levels: People differ, however if you are pregnant by now, the level of this hormone should be quite pronounced to show up in a test. A greater number shows progress.
  • Doubling Time: If you are pregnant then the quantity of this hormone will be increasing by 2 to 3 days as well.
  • Checking Again: Doctors could conduct some tests from time to time in order to monitor the expected increase in this hormone level.

If the tests say your hCG level is going up, that’s usually a good sign that the pregnancy is doing well. Your doctor will tell you what comes next and when to do more checks or scans.

Interested in HCG levels 16 days after embryo transfer? Connect to a doctor.


Completing the IVF journey can be challenging, but remember, you’re not alone! Seek support from professionals, join support groups, or connect with friends online. Lean on family, friends, and your partner for help. Ask questions to your doctors and nurses, try relaxing activities like yoga, and learn more about IVF to feel empowered. If financial concerns arise, consult a financial advisor. With the right support, you can navigate IVF feeling strong and hopeful.


How do you feel 16 days after embryo transfer?

You might feel a mix of hope and worry, watching for any signs of pregnancy.

What should be the hCG level after 16 days of embryo transfer?

hCG levels should be detectable and high enough to suggest a positive pregnancy.

Is bleeding normal 16 days after embryo transfer?

Light bleeding can happen, but always check with your doctor to be safe.

What symptoms should I expect 16 days after embryo transfer?

You might notice signs like a missed period, tiredness, or a positive pregnancy test.