When you make the important decision to see a fertility specialist, your emotions are likely to be running high. For months, if not years, you have carried the burden of loss, despair, and anxiety. Despite everything, you have found the will to act and not give up.

But going for an alternate method of having your child can be frightening, especially if you are not sure what to expect and what questions to ask other than the obvious one, “Will I be able to have the baby that I have always wanted?” It can be intimidating to meet with your fertility specialist for the first time, and all of the questions you had prepared on the way seem to have suddenly vanished.

The well-known IVF specialist from Saraogi Hospital, Dr. Mohit Saraogi,says that the following questions can help you get your fertility therapy off to a great start.

Saraogi Hospital is one of the best IVF Centres in Mumbai, with sophisticated state-of-the-art technology.

What tests must be completed before the IVF treatment?

It is crucial to understand what tests your IVF specialist will perform, how the results will be communicated, and what medications you will be given throughout the procedure. Do not hesitate to inquire about your doctor’s unique diagnostic procedure and reproductive treatment plan.

Your doctor must first determine that your body is healthy enough to carry the pregnancy to term before beginning the IVF treatment. Blood tests will be ordered to evaluate your blood sugar levels, hemoglobin levels, and blood group to rule out any infections and abnormalities. You may also be required to have some fertility tests to screen for PCOS, ovarian reserve, ovulation status, etc.

Dr. Mohit Saraogi, among the leading IVF doctors in Mumbai, adds that males may also be subjected to a series of semen analyses and blood tests before beginning IVF therapy.

Will I have to start the IVF treatment immediately?

The cause of your infertility can aid you, and your doctor in determining a therapy timeline.

Some issues, such as endometriosis or decreased ovarian reserve, require immediate attention because they are likely to deteriorate over time.

If your infertility is due to a physiological cause, like tubal scarring from a past infection or a hereditary abnormality, you may need to wait for surgical repairs before beginning IVF treatment.

If you have a hormonal imbalance, such as a thyroid problem, prescribed medicine or supplementation may help you feel better over time.

Is there a cut-off age for treatment?

The chances of conceiving through an IVF treatment decrease as you grow older. So it would be best if you spoke with the eminent gynecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Mohit Saraogi, first to discuss your specific case and treatment strategy.

In IVF, success rates drop as the danger of pregnancy difficulties grows with age. To estimate the likelihood of success, we examine each patient individually and consider a number of parameters. Our knowledgeable physicians and team will be there for you through every step to maximize the chances of your success.

What treatment should we try first?

Your doctor may recommend starting with less invasive and expensive fertility treatments like IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) before progressing to ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) like IVF and advanced techniques like ICSI and IMSI, depending on your unique circumstances.

Alternatively, they may advise you to go directly to an IVF treatment. This is a personal decision that should be taken based on your age, condition, and financial situation.

According to Dr. Mohit Saraogi,understanding what to expect as you go along and why you made a particular decision will make you feel more confident as you advance through the process.

What is the success rate of IVF treatment?

Younger ladies have a better chance of IVF success. The factors that reduce the chances of a successful IVF include being a woman over 37 years with fewer eggs and the lower quality of a more developed lady’s eggs. As a result, the live birth rate through IVF therapy in Mumbai is 40% for women below 35.

What are my options if the treatment does not succeed?

You can consider IVF if IUI fails. If your first IVF cycle fails, you might be able to try a FET (frozen embryo transfer) with a blastocyst that was leftover.

You have numerous alternatives to consider, from ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) to genetic testing, donor eggs, and sperm to IVF surrogacy. Allow your doctor to provide you with a hypothetical route map.

Do you perform fresh or FET (frozen embryo transfer)?

The success rate of frozen embryo transfers is higher than that of fresh embryo transfers. Frozen embryo transfer is recommended for the majority of patients.

With a FET, you already have the embryos that have been generated and stored for future use. As a result, if the first attempt fails, you will not have to go through yet another egg retrieval cycle.

When you opt to freeze your embryos, you can also have PGT (Preimplantation genetic testing) done on them to screen for any chromosomal abnormalities.

Dr. Mohit Saraogi, an acclaimed IVF doctor in Mumbai, adds that knowing which embryos have the appropriate chromosomes will help avoid chromosome-related disorders and boost your chances of delivering a healthy baby.

How long is the entire IVF process?

The ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval cycle take 10-14 days on average; however, this can vary depending on how the patient’s body reacts to the drugs. This timeframe begins when the patient takes ovarian stimulation medication and ends with the egg retrieval process.

After the embryos have been fertilized and biopsied, the genetic testing results take around 2 weeks to arrive. Once we have the embryo results, you will be able to plan for the embryo transfer cycle.

Each case of a frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycle can differ due to various circumstances. The embryo transfer operation is typically performed between day 19 and day 21 of the patient’s menstrual cycle.

Then, about 10 days after implantation, a pregnancy blood test is performed. We will closely monitor your pregnancy until the OB ultrasound at 10 weeks. You will then be discharged to the OB’s care after a 10-week OB ultrasound.

Would you recommend a single or multiple embryo transfer?

IVF doctors once employed multiple Embryo Transfers to boost success rates. The theory was that if more than one embryo were implanted, the strongest or the best would be more likely to succeed.

Today’s approach, on the other hand, is entirely different. With today’s technology and PGT-A (preimplantation genetic testing), our IVF specialist strongly advises a Single Embryo Transfer technique to lower the possibility of twins, high-risk pregnancies, and miscarriages.

Our IVF doctor selects and transfers one high-quality embryo for improved pregnancy success rates.

Should I be prepared for any side effects?

Infertility treatment can be physically and mentally demanding. Most patients experience minimal discomfort and disturbance during their cycles, but you must be made fully aware of any potential adverse effects.

If you have trouble, it might help you plan your job and treatment routine to allow you enough time to take care of yourself. Most importantly, it will enable you to keep track of your symptoms to report any possible issues to the clinic before they become more serious.

How much will the IVF treatment cost in Mumbai?

Although it is commonly assumed that IVF is only accessible to the rich and famous, let us assure you that IVF in Mumbai is relatively affordable, particularly at IRIS, IVF Center in Saraogi Hospital.

The average cost of IVF in Mumbai is between ₹1,50,000 and ₹2,50,000, whereas Saraogi Hospital charges between  ₹90,000 and ₹1,00,000.

Please do not hesitate to speak with the highly-skilled IVF specialist, Dr. Mohit Saraogi, about your options and treatment cost.



Infertility can be extremely disheartening. Our children change our lives. They can make it a little busier, but, more importantly, they bring us unconditional love and joy. They improve our lives in so many ways that it is impossible to list them all.

At Saraogi Hospital, we are dedicated to offering the highest quality medical care and counseling to you, depending on your unique circumstances. Our objective is to make your IVF process as relaxing and stress-free as possible to achieve your goals.

Please schedule an appointment for your IVF consultation. The top-notch IVF doctor Dr. Mohit Saraogiwill take the time to explain your treatment plan in detail and answer any of your questions.